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May 08, 2009



I love your Haiku! Poor cat in the rain! Have a lovely weekend.


Have fun with your Haiku-fest. Love the pic of charlie. I'll try to find you on twitter. I'm the same..."TattingChic" and you are welcome to follow me, too! :)

Elizabeth Wix

Loved the Charlie poem.
Yes, I have been thinking in haiku terms this week.
I made masses of errors on my list but think I have corrected them --anyway this is really a fun thing for everyone to enjoy.
Yes, I'm on twitter but can't often think of anything witty to say.....
Happy weekend.
I hope the rain will soon stop?

sheila jones

hello Tracy, I am just catching up again after lots of busy worky stuff this week so no real time to blog or go visit other ones. Lovely photos of the garden centre and of Charlie too. Hope you have a lovely weekend with the family.
love Sheila


My old cat Guinness used to come in from the rain and stand there, waiting for me to dry him off with an old towel! My current cat Georgie hates that - she won't go out in the rain at all. Isn't it funny how different cats can be?

Have a wonderful weekend. x


That is lovely poem, true to the moment! The description of haiku is beautiful! i admit its tricky to write, everyone else here seems a lot better at it than me :) have a really nice weekend!!!


Just followed you on twitter! I have also been thinking Haiku this week. It is actually quite difficult. My haikus are all cynical so I am working on more happy ones!!!! Lovely haiku you have quoted... and lovely Charlie! Just noticed that he is wearing white socks :D Have a lovely weekend.


What a lovely poem. I don't think I have written a haiku since I needed to in high school ☺

I'm glad Charlie is resting comfortably after the rain?

How is that niece of yours? She must be getting big now! Are you still knitting for her?

take care,

suzie sews

Tracy I hope you have a lovely weekend. I love the fact that you have been moved spiritually. I have recently been doing Nia and I am finding it filtering through into my every day life. Yes its very different to what you are talking about but it has an amazing calming yet uplifting effect on my life


I love Charlie's photos and the haiku about him. ;-) Have a great weekend with the family.


Gallery Juana

You really have taken some sweet photos of your cat sleeping.

I found your blog through Elizabeth's blog.

I'll post the haiku on my blog along with the haiku jpg:


I love the haiku about Charlie. As you know, I love Charlie! I followed you on Twitter! I have been on there for a while. I hope that you have a wonderful visit with the In Laws today! We are just relaxing here at Oak Cottage, kind of recuperating from a packing night and a very busy week at work. They say there is no rest for the wicked. Does this mean I am really bad? lol Love you oodles and oodles. Hope to chat tommorrow! XXOO


Hei Tracy :o)

Ser du lokker oss med Charlie igjen ;-D Han er virkelig en livsnyter :o) Blir glad hver gang jeg ser bilder av ham!!!

Haiku ser veldig spennende ut, men jeg må ta for meg alt annet eksamensrelatert ;-D

Takknemlighet står høyt hos meg for tiden :o) Alle ting jeg tar som en selvfølge, som å ta på sokker og jeans selv, har de siste dagene vært vanskelig uten hjelp. Ryggen min slo seg helt i lås. Heldigvis er jeg på bedringens vei så nå klarer jeg det selv igjen :o) Man setter større pris på de små ting i slike tilfeller....

Ha en strålende helg begge to og gi Charlie en kos!!



Yikes! I forgot about the haiku festival! I'd better put pen to paper soon!


Great Haiku and how helpful of Charlie to be your muse :) I'm looking forward to reading all the poetry being penned!


Sweet haiku! Charlie looks much happier warm and dry.

I'm working on my haiku...actually I'm staring at nothing--no inspiration yet. :(


I love that Charlie poem! Glad that haiku project is coming along nicely! Yay i followed you on twit! Have a lovely weekend and im off to work on my homework for my quilt course. :) Love to you!


Sorry I haven't visited for a little while, I am still here :)
Hope you enjoyed you're family day, sounds lovely.
Have a nice relaxing Sunday. See you in twitter land :)


your poem is lovely! i certainly will begin to work on my poem as soon as the words place themselves gently on my tongue. : )

xo to you and that adorable cat.

Golden West

Perfect timing with the rain as you have all your new plants - it will give them a good start for the growing season! Have a lovely weekend with your visitors. Your cat is adorable!


This will be such fun, Tracy! My poem is composed and I will have my post ready for tomorrow.

I love the poem above about your kitty! =)

Renee Eggleston

Hooray!!! Im going to find you now!!!!!! XO


A special haiku for Charlie! Love it!


I can just see the wet cat wanting in in the poem and all snuggly and content after he has dried in the picture. Love it!

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