This week I happily join the ranks of other artisans & crafts people in creating to help raise funds for Japan! Last week I made two very special items, which are now available in my new Etsy shop, PranaLight.
LOVE... I used lovely rose quartz--the love stone--for this hand knotted and be-tasseled mala/prayer beads. You can find details & more photos here: Rose Quartz Mala.
PEACE... One of my embroidered & embellished Love Flags with an uplifting message of peace. More photos & details here: PEACE Love Flag. ** NOTE: The PEACE Love Flag is now SOLD... Many, many thanks, Yiota! :o) **
100% of the profits of these items I will donate to the Red Cross for the earthquake aid efforts for Japan.
I have a lot of irons in the fire at the moment, my studio is bursting with projects & creative energy! Thinking of ways to help others... peace & love with every step...
With Love,